I used to think of myself as a “low energy person”. It was a little disclaimer I used to let people know that I wouldn’t be staying after work for drinks or be at the party past 9 pm. Like me, a lot of introverts feel like something is wrong with them because they struggle with their energy.
I used to think that I was just 'low energy' or maybe just a little bit sickly. When I heard about introversion, a lot of things suddenly made sense. When I heard about the introvert hangover, a lot more things suddenly made sense 😆 A lot of introverts ...
"I know that I'm a coach, I know that I help people, I know that people have profound changes when they work with me. But I didn't know why or how I was doing it in a unique way. It was happening naturally as a result of my training, but I wanted to be able to share with others what my individual skills and what my unique talents were."
Nice weather today, huh? Or the more common: What a weather, today! (usually when he weather is crappy). When I first moved to the Netherlands, it really surprised me how much people talked about the weather here. It was so foreign to me and I found it really confusing.
read moreWhen Jessica started the coaching program, she aimed to improve her personal writing process. She often got stuck writing a scientific article that was part of her doctoral research. Additionally, she struggled with balancing her entrepreneurial side with her energy needs as an introvert.
read moreWe all know that sleep is important. If you don’t get enough sleep, it impairs your mental ability, your ability to learn and remember things, it affects your mood and your body’s metabolism and immune system. About half of the clients I work with have questions about sleep and I’ve had my share of sleep issues too. Today, I’ll share 5 things that I’ve learned about sleep that have helped me to sleep better and to feel more energized during the day without actually sleeping more hours. Number 4 might surprise you!
read moreI used to think that I was just 'low energy' or maybe just a little bit sickly. When I heard about introversion, a lot of things suddenly made sense. When I heard about the introvert hangover, a lot more things suddenly made sense 😆 A lot of introverts have experienced introvert hangover without realizing what was happening or why. Maybe you’ve never heard of the introvert hangover or maybe you have experienced it before and you want some insights on how to deal with it. Read this blog if you want to know what introvert hangover is, the science behind it, and how to prevent it or recover from it.
read moreI used to think of myself as a “low energy person”. It was a little disclaimer I used to let people know that I wouldn’t be staying after work for drinks or be at the party past 9 pm. Like me, a lot of introverts feel like something is wrong with them because they struggle with their energy.
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