I used to think of myself as a “low energy person”. It was a little disclaimer I used to let people know that I wouldn’t be staying after work for drinks or be at the party past 9 pm. Like me, a lot of introverts feel like something is wrong with them because they struggle with their energy.
I used to think that I was just 'low energy' or maybe just a little bit sickly. When I heard about introversion, a lot of things suddenly made sense. When I heard about the introvert hangover, a lot more things suddenly made sense 😆 A lot of introverts ...
"I know that I'm a coach, I know that I help people, I know that people have profound changes when they work with me. But I didn't know why or how I was doing it in a unique way. It was happening naturally as a result of my training, but I wanted to be able to share with others what my individual skills and what my unique talents were."
Nice weather today, huh? Or the more common: What a weather, today! (usually when he weather is crappy). When I first moved to the Netherlands, it really surprised me how much people talked about the weather here. It was so foreign to me and I found it really confusing.
read moreAfter 4 years, we’re saying goodbye to Productive Introvert Community. But don’t worry, this isn’t a total goodbye - it’s more of an evolution - because we’re continuing as the Exploring Introvert. In today’s letter, I’ll tell you a bit more about who the Exploring Introvert is for. I’ll also tell you a bit about my own past and why writing these letters is so important to me. Perhaps you’ll better understand why I’m so grateful for each and every one of you who take the time to read them ❤️
read moreLearning about my natural advantage was an eye opener. It gave me confidence to be able to know my top strength. Because it is that top one, isn't it? My natural advantage is the one that covers everything.
read moreIn a 1-1 coaching program, we discovered Vicki’s natural advantage: The things she naturally excels at. We discovered that Vicki is very good at helping people to connect with who they really are and to help them move forward. To help them do that, Vicki gets a clear idea of what the person is struggling with and their needs. When Vicki has this context, often an image will appear in her mind or certain words or colours will jump out at her and she will intuitively know how to connect with that person. In the program, we looked at ways to connect with Vicki’s natural advantage to help her share her unique approach as a coach.
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